total power



Squat, bench, deadlift.


The Total is your PR weights from these three lifts added together. Our program is unique to Vashon Strong and is intended to help members of our functional fitness community build toward their specific and overall strength goals.

If you are more fired up by weightlifting than cardio, this is a great option each week. If you are working the cardio but need to build some power, then you can use this class to increase your overall strength capacity. Like every Vashon Strong class, it is infinitely scalable to allow you to get the best workout for your body.

This once-a-week class is an extended session of 90mins, so we can really deep-dive into working the lifts.



What's involved




The VS-Power program takes three definitions of strength into consideration, and we will help athletes reach their potential in all three...

1. Increase your contractile potential: At a physiological will get 'stronger'.
2. Increase your functional capacity: From a work will accomplish things you've never accomplished previously.
3. Illicit a biological response:  From increased time under tension, hormone-wise, you will enjoy the benefits of strength training.

The programming will be based around a combination of time-tested principles of traditional powerlifting (squat, bench, dead), conjugate/Westside method (mix of max-effort and dynamic efforts), and a few of our other favorite elements (odd objects, heavy holds, overloaded bodyweight movements, etc). If nothing else, this program will be a heck of a lot of fun!