Shannon's mobility tip of the week: Couch Stretch and Shin Scrub

Apr 13, 2024

 by Shannon Seath Meyer

The Couch Stretch

Start on all fours.  Back your feet up against a wall or box.  Place your left knee into the “corner “ between the floor and the wall.  Put a pillow under your knee if you wish.  Your toe should be pointed and your shin should be nearly flush with the wall. The other leg is posted in front of you at a 90 degree angle.  Squeeze your glutes to protect your low back.  Drive your hips forward, hands on the ground or blocks if needed. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for 1 minute.  Next, drive your torso upright, with your glutes squeezed.  Breathe deeply and well, hold for another minute. Switch sides.



Shin Scrubbing

From a kneeling position, place a roller just underneath your knee on the lateral side.  Using your body weight, scrub back and forth across the tissue.  Alternatively, you can be seated and forcefully scrub the roller across your shin.  1-2 minutes each side.