Performance vs Aesthetics

Jan 14, 2022

 by Josh Thorn

Hi All,

Many people have asked what the difference is between the VSX and VSFlex classes on our schedule.

VSX is what would be considered traditional "CrossFit". The structure is Part A: Strength. Part B: Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon). The programming1 is designed to be variable (but not random) and develop overall fitness. Variety trains us to be generally physically prepared for movement in life. Fitness is the end goal, we would like you to increase work capacity in many many many different fields. Our goal for you is to improve body awareness, move with coordination and efficiency, and to increase your physical capacity. 


VSFlex is 'Functional Bodybuilding". Many bodybuilders achieve form2 in their muscles, but not function. The movement patterns used in training are not applicable to sport or life. Functional Bodybuilding is a modern approach that blends muscle growth with functionality. You may hear the term: "Hypertrophy", which refers to growing the size of a specific muscle group, bu hypertrophy doesn't equate with strength. As an anology, compare the tensile strentth of a thick rope with that of a steel cable. The  cable is thinner, but much stronger.  Promoting muscle size takes a different training approach which is what you would get exposed to in the VSFlex class. At the gym, we're all about trying new approaches and expanding our scope.


"But wait, doesn't VSX also make you stronger and have bigger muscles?". In general yes, but if you look deeper into the two training methods you will see the distinction between training for performance vs training for aesthetics. I personally have always valued performance over looks. It is more important to me to move well in life and in sport than anything else. Skiing, wrestling, tennis, Jiu Jitsu...all of these sports require coordination, speed, flexibility, and efficiency over muscle hypertrophy. However, one thing that I really like about "Hypertrophy training" is that it correlates with neuromuscular connection. Neuromuscular connection is the 'mind-to-muscle' link. It's how well you can tune in and FEEL specific muscle groups working. I think it could be a very benefical skill for our gym to practice.  

Happy Friday!

1. The structure and plan of the workouts we give you

2. Aesthetic presentation of specific muscle groups